Thursday, July 28, 2016

FRIEND OR FOE? Chapter Five by Mariam A. Kravchenko

Chapter Five

I arrive in a dark, damp cave, and I’m surprised that I’m not exhausted. Normally after I run for more than fifty miles, I vomit. Now, after sprinting hundreds of miles, I’m not even panting. I stride into the darkcave. Cold water drips on my head and I look up. Everything seems strange, and I don’t understand what’s happening. My senses seem magnified. I can hear even the slightest sound. My eyes zoom in on a little fruit fly that’s speeding around my head. My hand shoots out and I pinch it between my fingers. I shiver as a cold drop of water rolls down my arm.
I hear soft footsteps echoing through the cage. I duck behind a large rock.
“Jo?,” a soft voice rings out. “Josephine are you here?”
A tear rolls down my cheek.
“Leave,” I whisper. “You can’t be here.”
I shrink back, as he slowly walks around the rock. I turn away from him.
“Listen,” he tells me. “I can’t let you live like this. I can help you. We can get through this together.” Then, softly he adds, “I love you.” I turn to look at him. Stretched across his face is a sweet, friendly grin.
I turn pink.
“No,” I mumble.
“What did you say?,” he asks.
“I said no,” I say, throwing my voice out as far as I could.
I turn on my heel and run towards the morning sun.

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:

1 comment:

  1. Good job this is awesome please do not stop writing these
