Friday, July 29, 2016

Cookies and Pancakes by Arushi Devgun

“Who wants cookies!” Mom yelled.

“MEEEEE!” Rose yelled back.

The double chocolate chip fudge cookies were waiting on the table. Rose greedily took the whole plate up to her room. She emptied the whole plate of cookies into her mouth. “How are the cookies?” Mom said, tilting her head. “Good.” Rose replied, mouth filled. Suddenly, Mom’s eyes flashed red, fingernails turned into claws, and fangs replaced her canines.

“Sweetie. Come here.” Mom hissed. Rose backed up.

“No.” She said.

“I’ll make you.” Mom said. Mom reached out, gripped Rose’s arm, and bit into Rose’s neck. She felt herself getting vampire features, such as fangs, claws, and red eyes.

“The vampires will thrive.” Mom whispered into her daughter’s ear.

3 years later...

Ever since Rose became a vampire, everyone is in danger of getting the vampire plague. Over half the world are vampires and word is, Rose is in town.

“Astrid! Come get breakfast!” My mom yelled.

“Okay!” I responded. I walked down the stairs and sat at the table.

“Today it’s waffles.” Mom said.

“Are you kidding? That’s Rose’s favorite food!” I said.

“How ‘bout pancakes?” Mom suggested.

“Fine.” I said. Mom took out the frozen pancakes and heated them up. I grabbed the syrup from the fridge and poured it all over the pancakes. I sat down and began to eat. Boom! The wall crumbled. I shielded my face with my hands.

“Stay calm.” Mom said, voice trembling.

“Blooooood.” Rose hissed at Mom and I. “Want blood.”

“Go to your room.” Mom whispered. I ran up to my room.

“AIYEEEE!” I heard a scream from downstairs.

“Blooooood.” Two voices said in unison. I heard the stairs creak and footsteps get louder, and louder, and louder until both Rose and Mom were standing in front of me. I could feel their breath on me as they inched closer and closer until I couldn’t stand it anymore and gave in.

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